Friday, May 13, 2005


There must be more to this life than the simplistic monotony presented today. What may be found in the thoughts, actions, and souls of strangers may either reveal the conditioned beliefs of prejudice or a vast limitless ocean of brooding fuel for the mind.

The feeling of despair and acceptance for mere existence, as opposed to the exhilaration of living, can be the final chapter that concludes with a lost empty soul of pain and suffering deep within a fucked up mind.

The purpose of being is the purpose of living. The mind is another world that needs to be explored. Never neglect the person you know you need to become, never.

Always follow your heart, fuck those that tell you otherwise. Never succumb to the mindset of the boring masses that simply waste their lives.

The belief that there is nothing to break us free from what is presented to us, is merely a lack of belief in ourselves to achieve the dreams and goals that constantly bounce around in our heads.

The soul is strong and if nurtured like a child, will lead us to confidence and understanding of a world we want to create for ourselves, not one that is presented to us by moronic greedful power-hungry leaders.

Create your own world, step into your own headspace........

©1999 - J. Honeybrook


I wrote the above on a train journey home from work several years ago. It also become a monotone vocal overdub for the closing track to the Sevenlives album, "7L" released in 2000.